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College and Career Success 7th Edition Chapter 3

This edition is for comprehensive 3 unit courses. A Concise Edition is also available.

Available Summer-Fall 2016

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Information for Bookstore Orders
What's New in the 7th Edition
Features of the 7th Edition
Chapter Titles and Brief Content
College and Career Success Online
Student Learning Outcomes
Instructor Manual, Test Bank, and Exams
Journal Entries

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College and Career Success, 7th Edition
Kendall Hunt Publishing
ISBN: 978-1-4652-8768-7
Author: Marsha Fralick

What's New in the 7th Edition?

Streamlined to Reduce Cost

Material has been condensed and some has moved online at

Learning Style Discontinued

Rigorous scientific support for learning styles is lacking.  Current research in neuroscience suggests that we learn best by using all the senses.  Learning preference depends on what we are learning. See my blog with presents the research on this issue, "Are Learning Styles a Myth? If So, What's Next?"

Multiple Intelligences Assessment

The MI Advantage assessment of multiple intelligences is now included. It suggests careers based on multiple intelligences and provides links to the O*Net database of careers for research.

Memory and Study Skills Based on Current Research in Neuroscience
Practical strategies based on the latest findings in neuroscience are provided for improving memory and study skills.

New Emphasis on Math Success

Math is the most failed subject in college and it is the gateway to high paying scientific and technical careers.  There is added emphasis on how to study math, taking notes in math courses, math anxiety and taking tests in math.

Sexual Assault Materials Added to Health Chapter

The risk factors for sexual assault are alcohol, drugs, and "hooking up."

Focus on Positive Psychology

Concepts from positive psychology are used to help students:

  • Discover their strengths, interests, and values.
  • Build on their strengths.
  • Think positively about themselves and their future.
  • Clarify what happiness means and work toward attaining happiness in life.


Information on positive thinking and fixed mindsets is included.

Updated Career Information and Career Trends for 2020

Features of the 7th Edition

Topics include college, career, and lifelong success.

Includes Concepts from Positive Psychology
Concepts from positive psychology are used to help students:

  • discover their strengths, interests, and values.
  • build on their strengths.
  • think positively about themselves and their future.
  • clarify what happiness means and work toward attaining happiness in life.

Helps Students Assume Responsibility for Their Own Success
Topics include motivation, positive thinking, locus of control, mindset, future-mindedness, hope, belief, persistence, emotional intelligence, and learning positive behavior.

Incorporates The Latest Research in Psychology, Education and Neuroscience
The suggested strategies in this textbook are all based on current research.  The latest research in neuroscience is translated into practical strategies for memory and study skills.

Online Career Portfolio
The career material in the online portfolio helps students to make an informed choice of their college major and career.  It includes the Do What You Are (DWYA) personality assessment and the MI Advantage assessment of multiple intelligences.  The results of these assessments are linked to the O*Net database of careers for career exploration.  It includes Simply Hired which helps students to find employment.  The material in the online portfolio is supplemented by The Interest Profiler integrated into Chapter 3 which helps students to identify their vocational interests.

Helps Students Find Employment after Graduation
This textbook includes:

  • information on career trends, the career decision-making process, educational planning, researching career information, and career outlook.
  • updated job search strategies, including the concept of online personal branding and using social media to find jobs.
  • the basics of writing a resume and cover letter as well as interviewing tips.

Increasing Math Success
Since math is the gateway to high paying careers and is a challenging requirement for graduation, this edition has expanded material on how to study math, take math notes, deal with math anxiety, and how to be successful on math tests.

Tools for Student Engagement

  • Interactive activities within the text help students to practice the material learned.
  • Frequent quizzes and answer keys within the chapters help students with reading comprehension and check understanding of key concepts.
  • Journal entries help students think critically and apply what they have learned to their personal lives.
  • Individual and group exercises are included at the end of each chapter.

Resources for Faculty and Students at College Success 1
The College Success 1 website at has additional materials to accompany this textbook.  Student resources include key ideas, Internet links related to each chapter, and Word documents for the journal entries.  Resources for faculty include the Instructor Manual and Faculty Resources for teaching college success courses including over 500 pages of classroom exercises, handouts, video suggestions, Internet links to related material, and much more.

Student Learning Outcomes, Objectives, and Assessment
Download this document: Student Learning Outcomes, Objectives and Assessment for the new 7th Edition.

Student Learning Outcomes for Your Syllabus (Brief)
Download this document: Student Learning Outcomes for Your Syllabus for the new 7th Edition. It is a brief statement of the learning outcomes.

Chapter Titles and Brief Content

Chapter 1.  Understanding Motivation
Topics include the value of a college education, how to choose a major, how to be motivated, using a growth mindset, developing habits that lead to success, and the value of persistence.

Chapter 2.  Exploring Your Personality and Major
Topics include choosing a major that matches your personal strengths; understanding personality types; personality and preferred work environment, decision making; time and money management; career outlook; and finding your passion.  The Do What You Are personality assessment is included. Suggested careers are linked to career information in the O*Net database of careers.

Chapter 3.  Exploring Multiple Intelligences, Interests and Values
Topics include exploring multiple intelligences, exploring interests, using values to make important decisions, and decision-making. The Interest Profiler which measures vocational interests is included along with the MI Advantage which assessess multiple intelligences, suggests matching careers and provides links for career inresearch in the O*Net database of careers.

Chapter 4.  Planning Your Career and Education
Topics include employment trends, work skills for the 21st Century, career research, educational planning, personal branding online, updated job search skills, the resume, interview skills and finding success in adversity.

Chapter 5.  Managing Time and Money
Topics include lifetime goals, using priorities, estimating study and work time, schedules, time management techniques, dealing with procrastination, and money management.

Chapter 6.  Using Brain Science to Improve Memory
Topics include improving your memory, practical memory techniques based on brain science, using mnemonics and other memory tricks, optimizing your brain power, and positive thinking.

Chapter 7. Using Brain Science to Improve Study Skills
Topics include neuroscience and practical learning strategies, applying memory strategies to reading, how to be successful in your math course, and creating your success.

Chapter 8. Taking Notes, Writing and Speaking
Topics include taking notes on the college lecture, note taking systems, improving note taking efficiency, reviewing your notes, power writing, and the basics of public speaking.

Chapter 9.  Test Taking
Topics include test preparation, dealing with test anxiety, studying for math tests, tips for taking tests, and how to prepare for tests.

Chapter 10. Communication and Relationships
Topics include understanding your communication style, communication for success, the language of responsibility, barriers to effective communication, dealing with conflict, friendships, roommates and relationships.

Chapter 11.  Thinking Critically and Creatively
Topics include fallacies in reasoning, how to become a critical thinker, moral reasoning, and creative thinking techniques.

Chapter 12. Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle
Topics include longevity, nutrition, exercise, avoiding addictions, avoiding sexually transmitted infections, protecting yourself from sexual assault, getting enough sleep and making positive changes in your life.

Chapter 13.  Appreciating Diversity
Topics include the importance of appreciating diversity, vocabulary for understanding diversity, the human genome, communicating across cultures, understanding sexual orientation, how to appreciate diversity, stages of ethical development and student perspectives on diversity.

Chapter 14. Thinking Positively about the Future
Topics include life stages, positive thinking, optimism, hope, future-mindedness, positive self-talk, affirmations, successful beliefs and secrets to happiness.

College and Career Success Online

An interactive online edition is available, College and Career Success Online . Contact Carla Lundman at for an online demo.

Instructor Manual, Test Bank, and PowerPoint Presentations

The Instructor Manual contains over 500 pages of interactive exercises, classroom handouts, and techniques for engaging students in learning. Here is a sample of the Instructor Manual for Chapter 1: Understanding Motivation.

The Test Bank includes a bank of questions for each chapter as well as section, mid-term and final exams.

The PowerPoint Library contains a slide for every topic in the textbook. Select the slides that match your student learning outcomes. Here is a sample PowerPoint presentation for Chapter 1: Understanding Motivation.

Note that a user name and password are required to access the full Instructor Manual, Test Bank and PowerPoint Library. Login information is provided for faculty who have ordered textbooks for their students. If you have ordered texts, contact me at for the login information.

Journal Entries for Students

Journal Entries Chapter 1
Journal Entries Chapter 2
Journal Entries Chapter 3
Journal Entries Chapter 4
Journal Entries Chapter 5
Journal Entries Chapter 6
Journal Entries Chapter 7
Journal Entries Chapter 8
Journal Entries Chapter 9
Journal Entries Chapter 10
Journal Entries Chapter 11
Journal Entries Chapter 12
Journal Entries Chapter 13
Journal Entries Chapter 14

College and Career Success 7th Edition Chapter 3
