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Indian Vegetarian Diet Plan for Type 2 Diabetes

" Diabetes " a word that may bring chills down your spine when detected for yourself or for a loved one. The first thing that comes to your mind after being diagnosed as a diabetic is, " What do I eat ? " " What is a carbohydrate?" and " what is low glycemic index food ? ".  Well, we would make the answer simple for you in this Type 2 Diabetic diet plan for Indians (1500 calories).Type 2 Diabetic diet plan for Indians (1500 calories)

I am sure that by now you already know the basics of what happens in diabetes, and what is insulin. Probably you must have heard from a lot of people that you need to drink a glass of Bitter-gourd juice (karela) juice every morning and avoid sugar to the fullest. In a way, most people think that after being diagnosed with diabetes, they lose their freedom to eat tasty food. But this is not true, you can still enjoy the liberty of eating what you wish to eat. All you need is to maintain a balance over the food you eat and the exercises you do.

When it comes to diabetes, we always hear about low glycemic index foods. Let us first learn more about glycemic index to understand the concept o this Type 2 Diabetic diet plan for Indians (1500 calories)

What is Glycemic Index ?

The glycemic index is the capacity of a particular food as to how quickly it can raise the blood sugar level. The foods which are quickly digested and release glucose immediately to raise the blood sugar levels have a high glycemic index. whereas those foods which take longer to digest and release glucose slowly in the bloodstream are the ones with the low glycemic index.

Researches have proved that low glycemic index foods are better for the health of diabetics and those who are prone to diabetes. Constantly high levels of sugar in the blood vessel can damage these blood vessels causing greater threat and irreversible diseases of heart and other organs in the body.

Glycemic index categorization –

Glycemic – Index                 Diabetes

High    70 and Above      To be avoided completely
Medium    56 – 69      Can be eaten in restriction
Low    55 and Below      Should be included liberally

Dr. David Jenkins, professor of nutrition at the University of Toronto has developed a low glycemic index diet to benefit all the diabetics. On his guidelines, we have tried planning a Type 2 Diabetic diet plan for Indians (1500 calories)

Glycemic Index of some common foods –

Food GI
Roasted and salted peanuts 14
Cherries 22
Whole milk 27
Skimmed milk 32
Apples 38
Pears 38
Apple juice, unsweetened 40
Noodles 40
All-Bran 42
Oranges 44
Orange juice 46
Brown Rice 50
Banana 55
Basmati Rice 58
Honey 58
Ice cream 61
Coca-cola 63
White bread 70
Watermelon 72
Cornflakes 84

Foods to include in a Low Glycemic Diabetic Diet –

In Type 2 Diabetic diet plan for Indians (1500 calories) you can include the following foods.

1] Bran can be added in your flours to reduce the GI and increase fiber.

2] whole wheat bread, Multi-grain bread with broken grains are healthier than refined flour bread.

3] The majority of vegetables are low in the glycemic index and can be liberally used in day to day life. On must always eat a variety of vegetables than repeating the same ones every day.

4] Include brown rice over white rice.

5] You can enjoy the whole wheat varieties of pasta and noodles. These are easily available in supermarkets these days.

6] salads should be a compulsory part of both main meals. This provides fiber and helps in the slow release of glucose in the bloodstream.

When to eat sweets and other high carb fruits like mangoes?

Diabetics who are fond of eating desserts and sweets get depressed when they have to keep avoiding it all the time. But this is not so. you can have sweets and mango (1-2 pieces ) during mid meals / In between 2 meals. Or early morning hours when the blood sugar levels would be lower than usual.

If you are following a Type 2 Diabetic diet plan for Indians (1500 calories), it is always better to avoid eating sweets and fruits along with the meal. As this may lead to sugar spikes in the blood.

This Type 2 Diabetic diet plan for Indians (1500 calories) plan will give you an example of how to place your fruits in eating routine.

Read – List of fruits and vegetables allowed in diabetes; blood sugar level wise.

– 1200 calories diet plan for diabetes and weight loss.

Exercise –

Normally if you ask anybody, you will be told to do morning walks for around an hour. But I think a deeper approach is needed here. To decide what exercise will suit you best, first, check your sugar levels and decide accordingly.

1 ] If fasting Blood sugar level is high:-

Fasting sugar levels are a result of the overnight hepatic output of glucose (produced by the liver during the night, unlikely of what food you ate).  To control increased fasting blood sugar levels, morning walks will not be very helpful. You need to walk for 45 mins in the evening or late at night to control the fasting blood sugar level and bring the liver to produce less glucose at night.

2] Postprandial blood sugar levels are high : –

If your pp blood sugar levels are high, this is directly proportional to the food you eat. hence one must eat correctly and walk for 10- 15 mins (slow to medium pace walking) at home or parking area or terrace. These small walks after all 3 main meals will help in better digestion and utilization of already present blood glucose, making room for some more. Hence lowering your pp blood sugar levels.

Morning walks are good for overall control. Hence you must decide on your walk timings based on the current blood sugar level scenario.

You might be interested in reading – Benefits of  Walking

Before you proceed to the 1500 calorie type 2 diabetic diet plan for Indians, check this video on a 1200 calorie type 2 diabetic diet plan for Indians. This is best suitable if you want to lose weight along with controlling your blood sugar levels.

Type 2 Diabetic diet plan for Indians (1500 calories)

This Type 2 Diabetic diet plan for Indians (1500 calories) is made up using low Glycemic Index foods. This Type 2 Diabetic diet plan for Indians (1500 calories) is a sample plan for reference and will suit both men and women with the requirement of 1500 calories. to calculate your minimum calorie requirement you can use this tool – BMR calculator .  Let us now see this  Type 2 Diabetic diet plan for Indians (1500 calories).

                                               EARLY MORNING
Fenugreek seeds with 1 cup of water 1 tsp —– ——
Tea (without sugar) 1cup 35 4
2 56
Total calories-91 Protein – 4
Stuffed lauki / Methi paratha 2 small 270 7
Curd 1 cup / 50 gms 30 1.5
Total calories-300 Protein-8.5
2 Egg White omlette with capsicum (2 egg white ) 150 7
Brown Bread Slice 2 no. 100 3
Total calories-250 Protein-10
                                              MID MORNING
Apple 1 med (50- 60 gms) 40
Green Tea (No Sugar) —- —- ——
Vegetable brown rice pulav 1 soup bowl (50 gms uncooked) 250 3
Cucumber and onion raita 1 small bowl 75 3.5
Mix veg salad 1 bowl 30 2
Total calories-355 Proteins-8.5
Chappati / Phulka (little or no fat ) 3 medium-size 255 9
Capsicum / lady finger / parval / torai veg 1 med bowl 70 1.5
Dal 1 med bowl 130 6
Salad 1 med bowl 30 2
Total calories – 485 Proteins – 18.5
10 minutes, walk post-lunch + 1 cup warm water with lemon / Green tea (no sugar)
Green tea / Tea / Coffee (without sugar) 1 cup 35 4
Puffed Rice / 2 wheat rusks 1 bowl 100 3
Total calories-280 Protein-7
whole wheat flour chapati / phulka 3 medium-sized 255 9
Mix veg / bottle gourd / palak vegetable 1 med bowl 70 1.5
Curd / kadhi / dal 1 small bowl 30 1.5
Total calories-435 Proteins-14.5
10 minutes, walk post-lunch + 1 cup warm water with lemon / Green tea (no sugar)
Milk 1 cup 75 2
Soaked almonds 4 no. 20 3
TOTAL Total calories=1546 Total protein=50


This Type 2 Diabetic diet plan for Indians (1500 calories) was designed as a sample diet plan. suitability of it depends on a lot of factors. It is always advisable to check your blood sugar levels after the first week is over to know the effect of the diet you are following on your blood sugar levels. As we all know, precaution is better than cure. I hope this Type 2 Diabetic diet plan for Indians (1500 calories) helps you in achieving your health goal. All the best.

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Indian Vegetarian Diet Plan for Type 2 Diabetes
